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Alcohol Facts and Statistics National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

This could help explain why women are more likely to have negative effects from alcohol. Many medicines — prescription, over the counter, or herbal remedies — can be dangerous or even deadly when mixed with alcohol. Many older people take medications every day, making this a particular concern. Many people who suffer from alcoholism find help with Alcoholics Anonymous. In this section, we’ll be looking at general stats and facts related to alcoholism. For those with addiction to harder drugs such as cocaine, opiates, and methamphetamines, it can mean saving thousands of dollars a year.

Alcohol is a part of cultural traditions all around the world…and it’s also a drug that chemically alters the body. Adults of all ages who drink alcohol and drive are at higher risk of traffic accidents than those who do not drink. Drinking slows reaction times and coordination, and interferes with eye movement and information processing. People who drink even a moderate amount are at higher risk for traffic accidents, possibly resulting in injury or death to themselves and others. (Note that even without alcohol, the risk of a car accident goes up starting at age 55.) Also, older drivers tend to be more seriously hurt in crashes than younger drivers.

California Alcohol Abuse Statistics

Utah has the second-highest rate of female alcohol-related deaths and has the highest percentage of deaths due to acute causes. Oregon’s alcohol-related deaths are among the nation’s oldest, with chronic abuse the most significant cause of death. New York has the third-lowest number of alcohol-related deaths per capita among all U.S. states. New Jersey has the second-lowest number of alcohol-related deaths per capita (Utah has the lowest).

alcoholism statistics

Instead of constantly sipping sugary alcopops, now they might order a cocktail – or mocktail – to last the night. Indeed, a late 2021 study found that over 21-year-olds in the US prefer hard beverages like spirits or hard seltzers, champagne, and drinks with little or no alcohol, over wine and beer. It’s the opposite now – Pennay finds that Gen Zers tend to opt to recharge their batteries during time off from work, or work on furthering their study or personal development. Gen Zers are growing up in a unique social landscape where, weighed down by financial and societal worries, they’re more risk averse.

27 studies from a 2013 review show that alcohol use is a contributing factor to poor quality sleep.

Where drinking prevalence is low-to-mid range, the prevalence of drinking in women tends to be significantly lower – often it is less than half the rate of men. Discover how many people with alcohol use disorder in the United States receive treatment across age groups and demographics. South Dakota has an elevated rate of alcohol-related deaths per capita and a high rate of under-21 deaths. The rate of alcohol-related deaths per capita is very high in Oklahoma.

No matter how severe the problem may seem, evidence-based treatment can help people with AUD recover. To find alcohol treatment for yourself or a loved one, visit the NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator. In 2019, around 14.1 million people in the United States admitted to suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder.

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